Types of Wallpaper

Audrey J. Powers

Today’s wallpapers are convenient and practical to use in case you want to renovate or change the appearance of your walls. You can choose from various widths (18 to 27 inches) of wallpaper in the market. A whole sheet of wallpaper can cover an area of 36 square feet but […]

Aesthetic Affect of Quoins on a Home

Audrey J. Powers

Corner quoins have been used for centuries as an architectural feature on homes. While they are no longer structurally required, people associate quoins with high end buildings and homes because they visually reinforce the corners of a wall. Quoins make a building appear to be built of solid materials, which […]

Reconstruction Costs

Audrey J. Powers

Have you done a major renovation to your home lately? If you have, it will likely affect the reconstruction costs associated with rebuilding your home and it is a recommended time for a conversation with your insurance professional. Remembering to regularly review your home coverage with an insurance professional is […]