Your Guide to Keeping Bees As a Hobby Or Business

Audrey J. Powers

Keeping bees is less a hobby than a green way of life and is rewarding. It can be the same as having a dog, we manage the hive in order to keep it strong and healthy, and it is not cruel. Or perhaps it’s a bit more like driving a car. It’s easy when you know how.

Bee keeping is more important than ever now. Because as the bee population declines worldwide, small time gardeners need to add a beehive or more to their gardens, rooftops, community gardens etc. And on the other hand, for bird lovers, keeping bees is one way to ensure that the birds have plenty of winter food, because your shrubs will be well pollinated. But the decline of bee’s populations is a factor in the decline of many bird species.

The keeping of bees is much like any other kind of animal husbandry, demanding regular care, maintenance, time, skill and knowledge gained from experience. It is a fascinating hobby and much less daunting than expected. The one essential difference is that bees are wild creatures, not domesticated animals. It’s about establishing and nurturing an intimate connection with something that is seemingly outside of our experiences.

The Hives

Hives are constructed from wood, as are the layers of frames that fill them. These frames hold paper thin wax foundations, embossed with the characteristic honeycomb pattern. Hive boxes are stacked one on top of the other, to accommodate expanding populations and honey stores.

Natural hives, or those constructed entirely by the honeybees, may often be found in tree hollows and occasionally in the walls of old buildings. Hives swarm because of congestion, overcrowding and more so from congestion. Congestion means that there is incoming nectar and pollen in large quantities and the queen is laying well, thus there are not enough empty cells to accommodate the need.

Beekeeping is a great hobby or business. Most beekeepers are in the business because they love it and after having a taste of the return in investment, then decide to take it as a full time job. It is easy to start beekeeping when you first get the right information to train you and get you familiar with keeping bees.

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